Pap Smear Specialist

HealthStone Primary Care Partners
Primary Care & Internal Medicine located in Hollywood, FL
Don’t miss out on your Pap smear — a valuable and integral part of your preventive health care. At HealthStone Primary Care Partners in Hollywood, Florida, the friendly medical team offer Pap smears and numerous effective women’s health services to protect the health of your reproductive system. A Pap smear can help detect any cellular abnormalities, signs of cancer, and many other gynecologic conditions. Put your health first and call HealthStone Primary Care Partners or request a visit via the web.
Pap Smear
What is a Pap smear?
A Pap smear is an excellent preventive care method designed to detect cervical cancer and cervical cell abnormalities. During your Pap smear test, your provider collects a sample of your cervical cells for analysis.
For women age 21 to 65, HealthStone Primary Care Partners recommends Pap tests every three years. If you have certain underlying medical conditions or if you have a higher risk of cervical cancer, you might need more frequent testing.
At the same time as your Pap smear, your provider can also perform a test for human papillomavirus (HPV) since some types of HPV can lead to cancer and genital warts.
What can I expect during my pap smear?
Your pap smear is quickly and conveniently performed in-office. You typically undress, wear a medical gown, and lie on a special medical exam table. You lie with your knees bent and place your feet in stirrups.
When you’re comfortable and ready, your provider carefully inserts a speculum into your vagina to hold open your vaginal walls and view your cervix. Using a special scraping tool or a soft, small brush, your provider takes a sample of your cervical cells and sends the sample to a lab for analysis. At the lab, a technician examines your cells for any signs of cancer, precancer, or other abnormalities.
What if I have abnormal results from my pap smear?
Your HealthStone provider might suggest a colposcopy if you have abnormal pap smear results. With a colposcopy, your provider uses a special magnifying instrument to assess your cervix more closely.
Your provider might recommend a colposcopy if you have any concerns about abnormal pelvic bleeding or pelvic pain or to evaluate:
- Noncancerous growths or polyps on the cervix
- Genital warts on the cervix
- Inflammation of the cervix
If your HealthStone Primary Care Partners provider finds abnormal cells during your colposcopy, they might suggest a procedure to remove the abnormal cells or other treatments and healthy lifestyle changes.
What are the advantages of a Pap smear?
Pap smear tests are effective, safe, convenient, and provide a wide spectrum of benefits.
Pap smears are an especially important part of your preventive health care and can help you to protect and take care of your general and reproductive health.
Some abnormal, precancerous, and cancerous cells don’t present symptoms and might go unnoticed without a Pap smear. Your provider can also suggest individualized treatments to improve your health and wellness, such as menopausal evaluations, breast exams, mammograms, and hormone replacement therapy.
If it’s time for your Pap smear, be proactive with your reproductive health and call HealthStone Primary Care Partners today. Alternatively, you can book your appointment online.
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