Cholesterol Specialist

HealthStone Primary Care Partners
Primary Care & Internal Medicine located in Hollywood, FL
Cholesterol isn’t always bad, but when you have too much in your blood, it can cause serious health problems. The providers at HealthStone Primary Care Partners in Hollywood, Florida, have a wealth of experience caring for patients of all ages who are dealing with cholesterol issues. Take the necessary steps to manage your cholesterol. Call the office today or book online to schedule an appointment with one of our providers.
What is cholesterol?
Cholesterol is in all of your cells. This waxy, fat-like substance is made in your body and also found in certain foods. It’s a necessary component in the building of vitamin D, hormones, and other materials that support your body’s ability to digest food.
Your body has two types of cholesterol: HDL, the “good” kind, and LDL, the “bad” kind. HDL, or high-density lipoproteins, carry cholesterol throughout your body and return it to the liver where it’s removed. LDL, or low-density lipoproteins, leaves cholesterol in your blood, where it can combine with other substances.
When you have too much cholesterol, you have high cholesterol. Left untreated, it can cause serious health problems.
What are the risks of high cholesterol?
High cholesterol contributes to plaque formation in your blood. Plaque sticks to the walls of your arteries and causes them to narrow or become blocked. This increases your risk of serious health conditions, including:
- Stroke
- Heart attack
- Coronary heart disease
- Peripheral arterial disease
These risks increase if you have other health conditions like high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes.
High cholesterol usually has no symptoms, so it’s important to have annual physical examinations to review your numbers and evaluate your risks.
What causes high cholesterol?
While some health conditions can lead to high cholesterol, it’s usually the result of an unhealthy lifestyle, such as:
- A family history and genetic disposition
- Smoking, which raises your LDL and lowers your HDL
- Poor diets high in saturated and trans fats that raise your LDL
- Sedentary lifestyles that lower your HDL because of little exercise
You’re also at risk of developing high cholesterol if you’re overweight, aging, or African American.
How is cholesterol diagnosed and managed?
Dr. Harris measures your cholesterol during a routine blood test. Based on the results, he works with you to develop a personalized approach to make heart-healthy lifestyle changes, such as exercise recommendations, dietary changes, and weight management strategies. You can also use medication to manage high cholesterol.
Call HealthStone Primary Care Partners today and let our providers help manage your cholesterol.
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